
Hello and welcome to my blog, this is where I shall be sharing with you whatever it is that I would like to share, mostly it will be stories/poems/things I have written, but could be book reviews, book hauls, any sort of thing like that, could also be a daily update from myself.


Thursday 16 January 2014

Aren't I terrible

Well, then again, I never really set out for it to be a daily thing, I just thought it was good for me to try and do it daily, which I knew from the get go would be difficult, and I need to get back into the mind of the blogger, and what it is exactly that I share, and things like that, somethings I can't share because I don't know who will be reading this, and other things I can share because I don't give a damn who's reading this.

I haven't really been active much lately, which I'm sorry, if you are reading these, then I am terribly sorry, but I've just not had much to say about things, I've had some good days and some boring days, and some busy days, but they've all made me think, about nothing particular though, just thinking, thinking about life, and what it is I want out of it. Many of my friends who know me well enough would tell you that I would want to be a published author, if you ask them nicely, and that's true, but in essence, I don't really want to be am author, an author restricted to books, and novels, no. I want to be a storyteller, someone who tells the story it is they want to tell, through any means necessary, whether a Poem, novel, script, play, film, short film, whatever, I want to be able to tell the story I want to tell, and not have a restriction put to my name, and have people say 'oh yeah, Craig only writes Novels' Which isn't a bad thing, a lot of people are published novelists, and they enjoy it, and yeah I think I would as well, but for me, it's more of the case that I want to do more than write novels, I want to tell stories (duh, every novelist does) but some stories I've tried to tell, do not fit in the the novel criteria, they're more suited for a poem, or a short story, or even comics, when I was younger, drawing and writing and all of that.

I think that's why I'm more interested in storytelling than just novel writing, I want to be able to tell a story through any means that I know of, and have people still read it, and recognise who it was that was telling it, without looking at the author name.

- Craig

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