
Hello and welcome to my blog, this is where I shall be sharing with you whatever it is that I would like to share, mostly it will be stories/poems/things I have written, but could be book reviews, book hauls, any sort of thing like that, could also be a daily update from myself.


About me


Sorry for that, I tend to be rather excitable at times, but I shall be giving you a little insight into who I am, within the following paragraphs of text.

I am a 17 year old, living in England. I am aiming to become a published writer, telling the story how ever it needs to be told, I have poems, I have story ideas, I have comic and screenplay ideas, whatever I need to use, I will use it to tell the story in my head.

I am openly out as bisexual, at least to most of my friends, and now to you guys as well, although I don't think I am perfectly 50/50, for those of you who want to know, I prefer boys to girls and can see myself settling down with a guy, rather than a girl. I also believe in equality, and want to strive towards it, if I were older and more passionate I would do, but I try to do what I can for what I am.

I love music, reading and writing, as mentioned above. I have also started a CD collection going, so I will be posting updates to that as I get more CDs, I may also post book hauls up, as I do regularly buy books. I also watch a lot of films, so I may be writing book reviews and  film reviews on to the blog from which you got to this page

I am going to be using the blog a lot, so I hope you stick around, I will have links to my social media websites, so you can go there if you have any questions, or post a comment if you have any questions about a certain post, feel free to subscribe via email, if you want to keep up with my updates.

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