
Hello and welcome to my blog, this is where I shall be sharing with you whatever it is that I would like to share, mostly it will be stories/poems/things I have written, but could be book reviews, book hauls, any sort of thing like that, could also be a daily update from myself.


Monday 23 December 2013

23/12/2013 part 2 'Remembering Things'

Hello, me again, with another post, the last post of the day today

The following piece of writing was inspired by Neil Gaiman's tribute to Ray Bradbury, which can be read by following a link in my previous post or using the one in this post.

If you've not read the previous post, I would recommend doing so, as it sort of explains the premise and the background to this piece of writing



Remembering things is something we become proficient in at an early age, from the day we are born we are needed to remember things, nothing that concerns us in particular, but the things that become second nature when we grow older, the eating, the toiletry needs, the safety mechanisms, all of those things, as said, when we grow older, those things become second nature to us and we can free up a memory slot in our brains for new things as those become autonomous.
As we grow older, however, we need to use up these memory banks, for new things, words, names, colours, all of the things we learn from our parents and the things we learn in the most basic education forms, nursery, kindergarten, and those relevant to over worldly countries, to which the aforementioned do not apply. As we progress through the varying education systems, more and more things are added to list of autonomy, writing, speaking, drawing, or for those of the other inclination, music and science, we remember our closest friends names, and the names of those teachers that we like, and often the ones that we don’t.
Although, as we do grow older and older, there are new things to remember, and those that do not become autonomous are most often forgotten, tell me, when was the last time you used algebraic formulae outside of a maths lesson, unless you're a maths teacher, in which case, tell me when was that last time you wrote a short story or critiqued a piece of writing within an English room, we often forget things, when we stop doing them over long periods of time.
With this sudden new found idea of forgetting things often comes the forgetting of people, people whom you may have not spoken to in a couple of years, or have lost contact with, for one reason or another and with that, essentially, an identity is lost, at least, to those who have forgotten the person, whether a lost friend or, a celebrity that has died, and his work lost to those who were aware of him.
People, most often celebrities, think that they will get to live forever, or at least, their name and their work will get to live forever, the sad part being, this isn’t necessarily the case, sure, people may live on for hundreds and hundreds of years, through their works, although eventually, all the people who have either studied him in lesson, or read his or her work in their own time, will have passed on themselves, without helping future generations discover that well known person, and they will pass into the long passage of time, and be forgotten.
In this sense, it can be said, and people do say, that we die twice, once in a physical state, where people come to mourn, and remember how well your life was, and the good times you’d had, but then, as time passes on, you die again, in a mental state, where memories are often lived too many times, and pressed to the backs of minds, to not be seen again.
It’s often just the nature and the passage of time, that draws out the memories and the identity of the person in question, if people think too dearly, and too in depth about this, it could get them worried that they won’t live on, long enough to be remembered, which for some, may be the case, although more often or not, they will live on, perhaps not as long as some, although their family, will keep remembering, and keep telling future generations of the wonderful things you have done, which is true for each and every one of us.

If you think someone is worth remembering, and worth other people remembering, pass their name, or their work, if they’re the person who has written, or sung, or played on, or have drawn something, just, pass it on to your friends and maybe, just maybe, they'll live for that little bit longer.   

23/12/2013 part 1

Probably another 2 parter post today, one now and one later.

Todays posts will probably be another story, or at least another piece of writing, I don't really know what genre this would go into, but it was a piece of creative writing that I had written having read Neil Gaiman's Tribute to Ray Bradbury 

That story got me thinking, and I was lying in bed one night, and I just started to dictate to myself, a story in the style of this piece, and how it was written and such things, and of course the next day, I wrote it, it's not very long, a little longer than the poem that was posted yesterday.

It's based around the topic of remembrance, of no one in particular, just the topic of memory and remembering things (In fact, that's the title)

That'll get posted later, as I really want to share it with you, as it's not really been shared too much, much like the poem as well.


Sunday 22 December 2013

22/12/2013 part 2 'When I look up at the Sky'

This is the post that you've all be waiting for, this will be the post that somewhat debuts my poem to the rest of the internet, it's titled 'When I look up at the Sky' and I hope you enjoy it, it would be nice of you to leave a comment, if you've read it, telling me what you think, bare in mind that it is supposed to be performed, so yeah.
- Craig 

When I look up at the sky, I don't see what most people see.

Most people just see the night sky as the stars and the constellations, but when I look up at the night sky, I don't see what most people see. I see the night sky, but I see the stars, as planets, the galaxies as interstellar countries, networks of vast, ever expanding neighbourhoods of stars, countless to the human eye, countless to the cleverest of robots and camera equipment.

When I see the night sky, it is like I am looking upon a city, or a town, other people may see it how I see it, although the most common view, unless you’re an astronomer, is of the view that they are twinkles in the night sky, and the constellations are just pictures painted by the human eye.
It has taken over 35 years for humans to reach interstellar orbit, passing Pluto, this is the work of the Voyager 1 Probe, where am I going with this? I’m going with that space, space is big, and space is vast, huge, and indescribable.

This is what I’m going to be teaching my children, not to take the view of the non-astronomer, but to take the view of the astronomer, of me, of someone who sees stars as planets, and suns, with life on them, or galaxies as neighbourhoods of stars, each one knowing the next, all with their daily struggles, much like the town or city that you live in. I shall paint the universe on the backs of their hands, so they will have to learn the whole universe, before being able to use the phrase “oh I know that like the back of my hand”
They shall be taught the nature of the universe, the nature of gravity, the invisible force keeping it all organised, like the government, a force in nature that is keeping the chaos organised.

When my children grow up, they shall be looking at the night sky, the way that I look at the night sky. 

22/12/2013 part 1

I may start titling these posts with the date, like I have done with this one, these will be the english style of writing the shorthand date, not the American, so I apologise if you get confused between the two of them.

I will be posting up a couple of things today, one now, one later, the one later should be a poem, but I may take the time this morning to explain the poem, as best as I can, and why it is that I wrote it and things of that nature.

The poem that I should hopefully be posting up later, is my first attempt at a  poem that is designed for spoken word performance. I was introduced to this style of poetry by a friend of mine, linking me a youtube performance of When Love Arrives by Phil Kaye and Sarah Kay (Click the link to have a listen, it's really good) and I started watching more and more of these performances, getting fully into the 'genre' of spoken word poetry, I did write some poems, prior to my knowledge of this awesome genre, but I felt that I should try to write one for spoken word, so I thought it'd need to be rather long. Inspired by Sarah Kay's 'If I should I have a daughter...' I started writing, and managed to write something somewhat decent.

I am yet to perform this poem, but I have shared it around and it has had good reviews, so hopefully it's good, you guys can also tell me how good it is, when I post it later. It's a poem about space, and astronomy and my thoughts and opinions on it, being somewhat of an astronomer myself, I have been fixated with space for a long time, and I've wanted to write something like this, for a very long time, but haven't known the best way to write it, until now.

Have a look out for the poem later, I should be posting it in the afternoon sometime,


Saturday 21 December 2013

New blog

Right, new concept with this one, I don't want it to be a daily one, like my previous blogs have been, I will try to write regularly, just not daily.

I plan to have whatever I want posted up here, could be writing ideas, character ideas, character bios, general stuff in the life of me, autobio of me, whatever, those will be some of the ideas of mine, though, so be on the look out for that, in the near future.

I don't plan on making incredibly long posts, but I will keep them of adequate length, just long enough to be useful blog edits, but so long that it will take me forever to write, as I have other things and projects to be working on.

Next update will probably come tomorrow, since I have a few intro ideas, but when I get those out of the way, it may be every couple of days before you hear from me.
