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Sunday 16 March 2014

Review #2 Looking for Alaska, by John Green

I seem to be going through all of the John Green books, which is fine by me, he's a good author and I've read a lot of his books, well all of them apart from Let it Snow, which was one that he worked on with 2 other authors.

Today I shall be reviewing my favourite book of his, the first one that I read; Looking for Alaska, which was also his first book to be released.
Let the review begin.


Firstly, this book is incredibly well written, and the story flows very well, the character development is also very good.

The plot focuses around the main character, Miles "Pudge" Halter, who moves into a boarding school, where his room mate, Chip "The Colonel" Martin is already in a friend group, which Pudge soon joins, meeting Alaska, a wild girl who The Colonel is in love with, it's debatable whether Pudge is as well, or not.

Pudge has a knack for remembering the last words of famous people, which is a the topic of conversation the first time that him and Alaska are in private together, where she teaches him a new set of last words. A recurring theme for the book is the last words of two people, Thomas Edisons ("It's very beautiful over there") and Francois Rabelais ("I go to seek a great perhaps") both of which create conversation in the book, mostly between Pudge and Alaska, who spend a great deal of time together.

The group are smokers, drinkers and users of profane language, all of which were highlighted for Miles not to do, by his parents when he was leaving in the opening scene. The group are also all prankers, and are keen to carry out one of the largest pranks their school has ever seen. This is where another character is introduced: Takumi Hikohito, a friend of the group, keen prankster and owner of the Fox hat, he and Pudge are tasked with setting off numerous fire crackers, waking up a lot of the school, but mainly the principal, who proceeds to chase after them, letting the Colonel and Alaska sneak into his office to carry out their part of the deal, changing a group of student's grades, and also putting hair dye into the shampoo of the students.

The book is set up well, however not in the usual chapter format, however, in a set of sequences running up to the turning point in the book, an event that changes the course of the story, of course, I'm not going to spoil it for you, you can read it for yourselves.This event, is near the end of the book, so there wasn't much afterwards, but everything changed; everything ended up in trying to find out the cause of the event.

The book resolves, which is always good, however nothing was quite the same following the incident that the first 2/3 of the book was leading up to.

The book is, as said, very well written, everything is good about it, I can't really find any bad points about it, and I will also highly recommend that you read it, if you haven't already.

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