
Hello and welcome to my blog, this is where I shall be sharing with you whatever it is that I would like to share, mostly it will be stories/poems/things I have written, but could be book reviews, book hauls, any sort of thing like that, could also be a daily update from myself.


Sunday 23 February 2014

Lack of updates

I've been lazy with updating this, which is annoying because I want to use this in the future to look back and see what I was doing at the time of each post, so yeah, a little annoying, but oh well.

So, I've been on half term, if you're outside the UK you probably won't know what that is, but if you wanna know, I'm sure there's a google search you can do to look up the British education system. On this half term, I've been thinking a lot, and watching a lot of martial artsy stuff. For those who don't know I've had 12 years of martial arts experience, Karate and Taekwondo, and my most prized possession and greatest achievement to date was getting my black belt in karate, it took 10 years of training, and also two attempts, but I got it, and it wasn't at a private black belt grading either, like my first attempt, it was at a public grading with the whole class watching me, it was such a nerve wracking thing for me, since I was the only black belt grading, and there were at least two of each other belt grading, so all eyes were on me, it felt like it lasted a lot longer, but at the end of the couple of hours I was presented with a certificate, and my belt, and it's still with me today, and I'm still super proud of it. I've just been thinking about what it'd be like to do the Taekwondo system as well, go through the seminars, go to the grading with loads of other red belts and black belts from schools all over the country, seeing some of the biggest names in british taekwondo, it's just something I really aspire towards, I think it'd would be incredible to do and I can't wait for it to happen.

I've also been working on school work, which has lessened my time on the internet for personal interest, like filling out this blog, or working on writing projects, but still, I feel like I've done enough to get away with writing a little post, here or there, which will be coming more frequently, whenever I get the time or ideas, as I've also been suffering a large case of writer's block, which as been not only affecting my writing projects, but also coursework for school as well, which is never good.

But still, more posts will be coming out over the next couple of weeks, maybe even a photo or two, of the black belt, and other such things if I can find them.

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